Jun 13Liked by Stephen Greenleaf

Hi Steve, I think your closing remarks here provide an explanation for why my reading of the *Nicomachean Ethics* over the last year has at times been tedious. As Aristotle knows and says, his words cannot just make anybody virtuous.

By the way, the Wintour article has a lot of quotes, and that's good! I was going to leave a comment about quotes on your post of the previous day, but I couldn't see a way to do it; was this by design or accident?

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Accident. Not sure the nature of the problem. Sorry about that! I appreciate your comments!

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Hi again Steve, my comment was this.

Another friend once said she didn't read the quotes in my blog posts.

Perhaps this induced me to try to make the same points in my own words.

Still I wanted to include the quotes, both as a reminder to myself of

where I got the ideas, and so that another reader could check my

interpretations against the originals.

I enjoyed reading William Deresiewicz's *Excellent Sheep* recently, but

was sorry he didn't give us more of the actual words of the people whose

ideas he referred to.

I understand that publishers may want to print the shortest possible


I wish that the quotations *you* make were given as plain text that

could be cut and pasted; or is there a way to do this already?

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David, Thanks for the comments & the suggestion. I share the quotes because I want to provoke a response in myself and, by sharing, the others. The choice of a particular quote isn’t to signal an endorsement or agreement, necessarily (although usually I agree with the gist of the thought therein). More importantly, I see these as tools to promote a thought-response by the reader, as I respond when choosing each quote. I sometimes share my response in comments.

Now as to your second point. Yes, I can select and share in a format that would allow a reader to cut & paste. I’ll do that to see how readers respond. I like to include something about the book to give the reader a visual. So I”ll work on it. Thanks again!

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